Things that have gone this week – 10 & 11

Wow, time flies – especially when you have visitors. I apologise that I missed a week, so I’ll stick the 2 posts together. As we’ve had people staying with us, I did not want to clutter up my space with more items waiting to go and so it really did slow down to almost nothing. I only sold 2 items on eBay, but that’s OK because I haven’t had time to list any more. I took a small bag of items to a charity shop just to get them out the way, I seem to recall it was a mix of books, clothing and household bric-a-brac.

  1. Brand new M&S Bra
  2. Brand new Bagpuss Cross Stitch Kit

I found these items lurking in my cupboards, brand new with the tags on. I decided I was not going to use them and I put them up for sale. After our visitors had left, we ended up with a whole bunch of food items that they bought and didn’t eat. They were kind of random items, like herbs, condiments, strong blue cheese and health food items that we would never choose to purchase or eat. So I offered them on Freecycle and someone gladly came to take them. Amazing what you can give away! Until next time…..I’m not even sure if I will have sold any more by then, but I have some more items waiting to be given away.